
At Vital Vet Animal Hospital, we commonly recommend spaying or neutering your pets to improve their health and prevent a wide range of disruptive behavioural issues.

An artistic depiction of a dog sporting glasses

Sterilisation in Dogs

Sterilization (orchidectomy) in male dogs involves surgical removal of the testes and in female dog, surgical removal of the uterus and ovaries (ovariohysterectomy)

In small to medium breeds sterilisation is recommended at 6 months of age. In some cases, sterilization can be performed earlier. The RSPCA, Dog Pounds and some breeders will sterilize female and male dogs at 10-12 weeks of age.

This is called prepuberal sterilization and is very safe. Waiting until a dog is 6 months of age before sterilization generally has some advantages. Older puppies are less fragile and metabolize the anesthetic drugs more rapidly.

In medium to large breeds that are prone to hip and elbow dysplasia we recommend that sterilisation in male dogs be delayed until 12 – 15 months (this is after growth is complete), unless behavioural problems develop. Recent studies have confirmed that early sterilisation (prior to completion of the natural growth period) will increase the risk of elbow and hip dysplasia in those breeds and individuals who are genetically prone to these disorders. Early sterilisation also increases the incidence of cruciate ligament rupture.

The decision as to when to sterilise medium to large-breed female dogs is more complicated. It would be wise to consider sterilising after the growth period to reduce the risk of joint developmental problems but doing this will mean that they will need to be sterilised between the first and second heat or after the second heat. This will then immediately put them at higher risk for developing breast cancer.

Female dogs that are sterilised after the first heat (the first heat is usually between 7-12 months, depending on breed) will be at increased risk for breast cancer. The lifetime risk of developing breast cancer in female dogs that are sterilised after the second heat or are unsterilised is 27%. That is 2-3 out of 10 dogs will develop breast cancer. Mammary cancer is malignant in 50% of these patients. Sterilisation between the first heat and second heat will reduce the lifetime risk to 8% and those female dogs sterilised before the first heat will have a lifetime risk of 0. 05%.

We still recommend that female dogs be sterilised before the first heat as we feel that the danger of breast cancer is sufficiently large to override the protective effect of early sterilisation on joint development. Please do not hesitate to discuss this with us.

Health Benefits of Sterilisation:

Males: Eliminates the risk of testicular cancer and greatly reduces the risk of prostate cancer.

Females: Eliminates the risk of uterine cancer and pyometra (a life-threatening infection of the uterus in females. It also greatly reduces the chance of mammary cancers.

Behavioural Benefits of Sterilisation:

Reduces unwanted behaviours like mounting, inappropriate urination and marking, and territorial aggression. Reduces the desire to roam which may result in many dogs escaping and being hit by cars or becoming involved in fights with other dogs.

Socioethical Benefits of Sterilisation:

Decreases the massive burden of unwanted pets.

A whimsical painting of a cat with glasses sitting inside a cup

Sterilisation in Cats

Sterilisation in cats is performed at six months of age before the first heat for females. Sterilisation can be performed earlier if required. Kittens from breeders, the RSPCA and the Cat Haven will often be sterilised between the ages of 10-12 weeks. We still prefer to sterilise our kittens closer to 6 months of age.

Behavioural Benefits Include:

Reduced territorial urine marking. Reduced fighting and territorial behaviour. Reduced desire to roam which results in many cats escaping and being hit by cars.

Health Benefits Include:

Eliminates the risk of testicular cancer and uterine disease.

Sterilisation also contributes to population control, ensuring your pets do not add to the population of feral and unwanted kittens currently in the community.

Veterinary Services at Vital Vet in Ellenbrook






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